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Aw:: block recent topics newbb 4.03

Betreff: Aw:: block recent topics newbb 4.03
von Bleekk am 16.09.2010 18:39:02

hi, sorry for my late anwser. please open "newbb/blocks/newbb_block.php" and change following lines: line 262: after f.forum_name add ",forum_last_post_id" the line should look like
'    f.forum_name, f.forum_last_post_id'.
line 300: afer this line add following line, lines 300 and 301 should look like this:
$topic['forum_name'] = $myts->htmlSpecialChars($arr['forum_name']);
$topic['forum_last_post_id'] = $arr['forum_last_post_id'];
line 319: change the line too look like this:
$seo_url '<a href="'.XOOPS_URL.'/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?post_id='.$topic['forum_last_post_id'].'">'.$topic['title'].'</a>';
It should work now

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